Department Ethos
The Primary aim of the Physical Education is to ensure full inclusion for all abilities. The emphasis of our work is heavily orientated towards maximum levels of practical performance and less emphasis on analysis and in lesson reflection. The P.E lessons are stand-alone lessons but are a conduit to our extra-curricular sessions which are traditionally plentiful and varied.
“Thank you so much for the opportunities we gave his son to support the sporting values that make an all-round, well-mannered sportsman.” – Mr Gibson, parent of an ex year 11 pupil
“The support and encouragement you gave my child during his time at Cams Hill was exceptional. You allowed him to develop as a person and empowered him with the skills necessary to be a respectful young man and sportsman.” – Mr Peters, parent of ex pupil
“I never thought P.E could be this much fun!” – Year 7 pupil
Learn more about PE at KS3
Year 7 pupils are taught within their respective tutor groups to build social bonds and friendships. This follows on from key stage 2 to support the idea of appreciating gender similarities.
In years 8 and 9 we group the pupils according to gender and activity orientations. Class sizes are approximately 30 across the key stage with our main aims being inclusion, enjoyment and participation.
Programme of Study for KS3
Year 7 : Gymnastics, fitness, rugby, hockey, football, netball, basketball, handball, Athletics and fielding games.
Year 8 and 9 : Fitness, rugby, hockey, football, netball, basketball, handball, indoor Athletics, Athletics and fielding games.
Learn more about PE at KS4
Key stage 4 pupils are grouped according to their option choices, we then group them into gender groups. Group sizes range from 15-25. In year 10 pupils will access four hours of core P.E per fortnight and in year 11 3 hours per fortnight.
Activities studied include : Trampolining, badminton, fitness, netball, basketball, rugby, football and table tennis.
GCSE details
All pupils who opt for GCSE P.E will study the AQA Physical Education course. The course is made up of 70% theory work and 30% practical assessment which requires pupils to be assessed in 3 sports at a high level (school representation or above) . The GCSE theory is assessed through 2 90 minute exams at the end of year 11. The course may involve a day off site to enhance theoretical knowledge at an establishment such as Chichester University or Calshot activity centre.
Extra-curricular opportunities
Extra-curricular activity is governed by season. The department encourages all abilities to represent the schools and selection is customarily based on attendance at clubs / practices and not just ability. The extra-curricular sessions are run for a variety of purposes:
- social, recreational, competitive
- to help pupils progress through the varying tiers of competitive representation ( school, district, county, regional and national)
The department prides itself on the range of activities and the reputation it has gained not only across our local area but also across the County. Our percentage of fixture fulfilment is currently 95%+ and is one of the highest in the County.
Our extra-curricular are as follows:
- Inter tutor competition.
- Inter school competition
- Inter school competition at County and national level.
- Summer sports days.
- Summer camps to help transition between Key stages 2 and 3.
- Activities include: football, rugby, rounders, table tennis, tennis, netball, badminton, cricket, softball, Athletics, X Country, running club, Sports hall Athletics and basketball.