
Cams Hill School is its own Admissions Authority and is responsible for all aspects of the admissions process for in-year applications (when a child needs a school place outside of the usual transfer times, for example because of a house move).

For places in Year 7 2025 (Main Round)

Applications must be made using Hampshire’s Common Application Form which is processed by the Admissions Team at Hampshire County Council. Applications for Year 7 September 2025 must be submitted by midnight 31 October 2024 (the national application deadline).

For information and guidance about applying for a place in Year 7 September 2025, please follow the link below:

Cams Hill School Admissions Team 

Miss Rachel Matthews (Head of School) – responsible for main round admissions to Year 7 and transition.

Mrs Aly Potts (Assistant Headteacher) – responsible for all other, in-year, admissions.

Miss Sarah Jenns (Senior Administrator) – processes applications for a school place and is able to support parents/carers with the admissions process.

Please get in touch via email to or by phone on 01329 231641 if you are considering making an application.

Cams Hill School Admissions Policy

All main round applications to Cams Hill School are ranked, irrespective of preference, in order according to the school’s oversubscription criteria – these are set out in the school’s Admissions Policy.

Once ranked, Hampshire Admissions Team aim to offer a school place in the highest preference school where a place is available.  Where a place at a higher preference school is available, the pupil will be taken off the list for all other schools cited in the application.

The National Notification Date

Parents/carers will be notified regarding the outcome of their application on  3 March 2025.  After this date, the school will maintain a waiting list.

Late applications made between 1 November 2024 and 3 March 2025 will be accepted and added to a school’s waiting list, ranked in order according to the oversubscription criteria.

Waiting List 

If you apply for a place for your child at Cams Hill School but are not offered a place on 1 March 2024, parents/carers are invited to make a request in writing to the school for their child to be placed on the waiting list.  Pupils on the waiting list are ranked in order according to the school’s oversubscription criteria.  Once the waiting list has been established, parents/carers can contact the school or Hampshire Admissions Team to find out their child’s current position on the list.  Any places that become available will be allocated according to the oversubscription criteria of the Admissions Policy with no account being taken of the length of time on the waiting list or any priority order expressed as part of the main admission round application.


If your child has not been offered a place at your preferred school, parents/carers are able to make an appeal against this decision and put forward a case (an Appeals Schedule will be published in March 2025).  Appeals are made via the Local Authority.  Details on how to appeal will be found on your offer notification email from the Local Authority.  If you wish to appeal and cannot find our school name on their drop down menu, you can manually add Cams Hill School.

2024 School Admission Appeals Timetable for Year 7

In-Year Applications (outside usual transfer times) 

If you are considering making an in-year application for a place at Cams Hill School, please contact Miss Sarah Jenns to request an application pack and to discuss your application.

Parents/carers are asked to consider carefully when making an application for an in-year place in Years 10 or 11; in many cases, a change of school can be unsettling because it may not be possible to offer an exact match for the GCSE subject choices being followed in the pupil’s current school.  Where a timetable can be constructed following the same subject choices, since schools organise their learning independently, it may be that topics and assessments are taken in a different order requiring the pupil to catch up on assessments and learning already covered.

If you are making an application for a place in Year 7, Year 8 or Year 9, it is important, as part of your application, you state which Modern Foreign Language your child has been studying to determine the tutor group that your child can be placed into.  If there is no place available at the time of your application in a tutor group studying your child’s current language, we would discuss the application carefully to explore options.

Pupils with Special Educational Needs/Educational Health Care Plans (EHCP) 

Parents are asked to contact Miss Sarah Jenns for an application pack in the first instance and to make an appointment to speak with Mr Andrew Haines (SENDCO) to discuss ways the school can support your child.

Admissions Policy 2023-24

Admissions Policy 2024-25

Admissions Policy 2025-26