How do you assess if my child needs additional support in exams?
19th October 2017
Person responsible – SENDCo
There are a wide range of access arrangements available in order to provide children who qualify with additional support during Key Stage 3 and 4. The SENDCo consults teaching staff and uses current records of attainment in order to decide whether a pupil needs to be assessed. The SENDCo also uses assessment software to screen pupils who it is felt may be entitled to additional support for exams.
If we are seeking access arrangements for formal examinations, then a specialist assessor with the relevant Assessment Practising Certificate (APC) qualification will meet with and assess the pupils. The SENDCo will then use the results to make a formal application to the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ).
If you feel that your child needs additional support in school exams, please speak to the class teacher or the SENDCo.