Weekly Newsletter 13 July 2018


13th July 2018

Weekly Message

The school has enjoyed a fun-filled penultimate week of the Summer Term. After months of hard work and commitment the cast, supported by their wonderful crew, have taken to the stage to perform the ‘Little Mermaid Junior’. For three consecutive nights, the pupils have wowed the audience with fabulous singing, amazing costumes and a stunning set with its underwater theme. The pupils are the stars of the show but Mrs Brush (Drama Teacher) has been pivotal in pulling this together and the school thanks her for all her hard work.

This week also saw the launch of the Cams Creative Art Competition with pupils and staff invited to submit a piece of Art work fitting with the theme ‘Nature v Machines’. The competition will conclude next term giving participants plenty of time to work on their entries. Art teachers and tutors will be sharing more details with the pupils during the remaining week.

Geography fieldwork takes place next week, with Year 10 heading to Hengistbury Head, and our trip to Berlin, Germany returns on Sunday.

In recognition of their achievement of receiving gold or silver lapel badges and their continued commitment and attitude towards school, 117 pupils spent the day at either Thorpe Park or Paultons Park on the school’s ‘Rewards’ trip. Lots of fun and laughter was had by all. The celebration of pupil achievement continues next week with our Celebration Assemblies and Awards Evenings, to conclude another fantastic year.

The weather forecast would suggest that it will still be warm next week, so we will continue with our relaxed uniform until Thursday 19 July. The last day of term, Friday 20 July 2018 will be a non-uniform day; pupils are asked to bring in £1 as a donation. Please make sure that your children bring a hat and a water bottle every day.


Key Dates

June 2019
Monday 17Year 11: GCSE German Paper 4 (AM 1h/1h 15m)
Year 11: GCSE Certificate in Further Mathematics (calculator) (PM 2h)
Year 8 & 9: Design and Technology Upcycling Competition
Tuesday 18Year 11: GCSE Additional Mathematics (AM 2h)
Year 11: GCSE Hospitality and Catering Spec A - Unit 1 (on screen) (AM 1h 45m)
Year 7: Parents Evening
Wednesday 19Year 10 Mock Exam: Statistics Paper 1 10C
Year 10 Mock Exam: PE Paper 2 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Drama 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Catering 10A
Year 10 Mock Exam: Combined Science Biology Paper 1 (am)
Year 10 Mock Exam: Biology Paper 1
Year 7: Gosport and Fareham Track and Field Athletics Championships Mountbatten Centre Portsmouth
Thursday 20Year 8: Design and Technology Upcycling Competition Entries DEADLINE
Year 10 Mock Exam: Maths Paper 1 (non-calculator)
Year 10 Mock Exam: Business Paper 1
Friday 21Year 10 Mock Exam: Chemistry Paper 1
Year 10 Mock Exam: Combined Science Chemistry Paper 1
Year 10 Mock Exam: Geography Paper 1
TBC Year 9: Stem Event



Cams Creative Art Competition – Nature Vs. Machine





Open Evening




Solutions for the Planet National Final – Palace of Westminster

After our success at the regional final at Portsmouth University, we presented our big idea in the national final, at the Palace of Westminster on Wednesday 11th July. We travelled to London on the train, and arrived at Westminster. Alongside some of the other groups we were then given a private tour of the Houses of Parliament and Westminster Palace. This included the House of Lords and Westminster Hall, as well as lots of other historical rooms and items.

In the afternoon, we moved to another building (opposite Westminster), and all 12 groups presented their ideas to a board of judges. Our idea was to develop a gym and exercise equipment powered by renewable energy sources. Unfortunately, we did not win, but the other group from Hampshire managed to come 3rd.
Well done to them! Overall, it was a great day, and a good experience.



Hussein Khedapa, Lewis Chorlton, Fenton Cowell, Year 8



Library Reading Wall



The Reading Wall is beginning to take shape and already includes reviews from various year groups, staff and even the odd celebrity.

Reviews should be around two paragraphs or more long and include the author, title and a short summary of the plot. Most important to include is what the book meant to you and why you would urge others to read it.

Please bring reviews to the Library.


Puzzle Corner



Sports News

w/c 16 July 2018


No fixtures this week



Menu – Dining Hall Update

The school dining area is receiving vital repair works over the forthcoming summer break. In order for the pipe to be fixed, flooring to be re-laid and all works finished in time for the new academic year, we have given the contractors eight weeks for completion; therefore work has started this week. As per previous communications, we will be running a revised catering menu for these last two weeks of this academic year.

Please see below a menu of items that will be available for all pupils at break and lunchtime.




Nearly New Uniform Sale



Lost Property


If items are not found on the day they are lost, please keep checking with the Medical Room as they can often take a couple of weeks to reach us.

Monday 09 July 2018 - Friday 13 July 2018
Padded Beige hoodie uk 18-20 Ayacucho
Black Mountain Warehouse Coat size M
White NB trainers size 7.5
Black/white adidas football boots size 11
Black plimsoles size 5
Nike trainers Blue speckled size 5
White/Green Nike football boots size 7
Various keys, glasses, jewellery
White Headphones
PE kit in White bag
White Cedar Wood State Hoodie size S
Grey Hoodie “I’m so freaking cold” size S
Light Grey Next hoodie size 13 years
Green Next Sun cap 7-10 years
Various Water bottles
Grey Hype jumper size 11-12 years
PE Kit in Navy Bag (Bottoms size 20, Top size L)
Black Clarks shoes size 9G
Black Capsule trainers size 8
Black laced plimsoles size 4
1 Black Slazenger plimsole size 3
Fox Head purse with Yellow wrist band


A polite reminder to parents/carers – please ensure that all property is clearly named with the pupil’s name and tutor group.

Various keys, watches and pairs of spectacles are kept in the Medical Room when handed into lost property. When named items are handed in to the Medical Room Form Tutors are notified by e-mail or printed slips, which are sent in school registers, to ask pupils to come and collect the items.



School Trips Update

You may pay online for the majority of trips at https://www.scopay.com/camshill-hants


Year 10 History GCSE Trip to Berlin – July 2018
PAYMENTS NOW OVERDUE – Final instalment was due Monday 30 April 2018
Any remaining payments must be paid ASAP

History Trip to Berlin 2018Payment ByAmountTotal
First non-refundable depositMonday 27 November 2017£150.00£150.00
Second non-refundable depositFriday 15 December 2017£100.00£250.00
First instalmentWednesday 31 January 2018£50.00£300.00
Second instalmentWednesday 28 February 2018£100.00£400.00
Third instalmentThursday 29 March 2018£100.00£500.00
Fourth and final instalmentMonday 30 April 2018£100.00£600.00


Water Sports Trip to the Ardeche – July/August 2018
PAYMENTS ARE NOW OVERDUE – Final instalment was due Monday 30 April 2018
Any remaining payments must be paid ASAP

Ardeche 2018Payment byAmountTotal
First non-refundable deposit24 May 2017£100.00£100.00
Second non-refundable deposit30 June 2017£100.00£200.00
First instalment21 July 2017£60.00£260.00
Second instalment29 September 2017£60.00£320.00
Third instalment31 October 2017£60.00£380.00
Fourth instalment30 November 2017£60.00£440.00
Fifth instalment31 January 2018£55.00£495.00
Sixth instalment28 February 2018£55.00£550.00
Seventh instalment29 March 2018£55.00£605.00
Eighth and final instalment30 April 2018£55.00£660.00


Ski Trip 2019 (Years 7-9) – April 2019
Sixth instalment of £75.00 due by Friday 28 September 2018

Ski Trip 2019Payment byAmountTotal
First non-refundable deposit20 October 2017£100.00£100.00
Second non-refundable deposit24 November 2017£100.00£200.00
First instalment28 February 2018£95.00£295.00
Second instalment29 March 2018£75.00£370.00
Third instalment30 April 2018£75.00£445.00
Fourth instalment25 May 2018£75.00£520.00
Fifth instalment29 June 2018£75.00£595.00
Sixth instalment28 September 2018£75.00£670.00
Seventh instalment31 October 2018£75.00£745.00
Eighth instalment30 November 2018£75.00£820.00
Ninth and final instalment14 December 2018£65.00£885.00



Miscellaneous News Items

Disclaimer: Cams Hill School is not recommending the following services, simply providing information that may be of interest. We cannot vouch for safeguarding, insurance or health and safety aspects of these companies so please access their websites for further information. 


Immunisations Leaflet

Please find a download link for the full leaflet here (.pdf)

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