Weekly Message 202 – 20 October 2023


20th October 2023

House Points Averages per Pupil for This Week


Year 7              4.08 points

Year 8              3.59 points

Year 9              4.61 points

Year 10            2.86 points

Year 11            1.80 points



Pupils’ Attendance


This week 94.6%
Same week last year 94.4%



Thank you to all parents/carers who were able to join us for the Year 7 Settling-in and the Year 10 Tutor evening on Tuesday. The tutors value the time to meet with you very much and we are grateful for the feedback you provided on the questionnaire. The dates of all other Parents’ Evenings for this year, can be found on the school calendar which can be found on Synergy as well as via this link.


Good luck to Year 11 with their revision for their mock examinations which take place week beginning 30 October. Should there be any queries, please do get in touch with the Year 11 team.


We wish all members of our school community a lovely half term break and we look forward to welcoming all pupils back in school on Monday 30 October 2023.


Brecon Beacons Trip




Last weekend saw 10 intrepid explorers venture to the Brecon Beacons, Wales for a weekend of outward-bound activities accompanied by Mrs Brooker and Mr Townsend. On arrival on Friday evening the pupils headed to the supermarket to purchase food supplies for the weekend and then settled into the accommodation for the weekend, cooking dinner as a team.


Saturday was a bright and early start (for some a bit too early). We met our instructor and gathered our kit for a day’s hike to the summit of Pen Y Fan. The pupils found the walk challenging but the sense of achievement they experienced was palpable. Pizza night, movies and team building exercises concluded the day.


On Sunday the group packed up their bags, vacuumed and tidied their rooms and headed out for a morning of gorge/waterfall walking. The water was a tad chilly but Mr Townsend with the plucky pupils ventured through and there were many smiling faces at the end.


All went home smiling with a real sense of achievement. Well done to all involved and thank you to the activities centre for making this possible.



Space to Learn Masterclass


This Monday we had advocates from the National Space Academy visit Cams Hill School to deliver a masterclass on “Life in Space” to a group of Year 7 and 8 pupils. Pupils were able to build their own pipette rockets, investigate pressure using marshmallows and gas syringes and design their own creatures to test through natural selections. They engaged brilliantly throughout and learned a lot about how life could survive in space.



Uniformed Services Trip




This week, the Uniformed Services pupils undertook their adventure training assessment. This is a vital part of the course teaching the pupils about teamwork and leadership and they can develop organisational skills.


They had a chance to take part in an assault course, bushcraft, rifle shooting and laser tag, all of which the pupils organised. We all came away wet, cold and covered in mud; however, the pupils all agreed they would do it again.




Victory House Logo Design



This week saw the shortlist of the best designs for the new Victory House logo. Members of SLT, Head of House – Ms Dicks, pupil House Captains along with other staff members voted on their favourite designs.


The top voted designs contain emblems of many different naval features such as a scuba diving helmet, a map, a lifebuoy, a telescope and port hole. These designs will be digitally enhanced and presented again for judging. Once the chosen logo is decided upon, the original entrant and their design will be announced.


Please bear with us while we go through the selection and designing process – it can take a while!



College/Apprenticeships Lunchtime Drop-In Sessions


Every Wednesday* from 1 November representatives from a different college or apprenticeship provider will be here to answer any questions pupils may have about their next steps when they leave Cams Hill School for their post-16 studies.


They will be based outside the Events Hall from 1220 to 1320 and the drop-in sessions are open to all year groups.


*Please note Itchen College will be on Thursday 23 November 2023.



A27 Cams Hill Improvements


This scheme is due to commence at half term so please leave extra time for your journey to school.


You can keep appraised of the construction information and future updates on Hampshire County Council’s scheme webpage at A27 Cams Hill Improvements | Transport and roads | Hampshire County Council (hants.gov.uk)



Science House Challenge




Menu 2/c 30 October 2023


Below is a link to our menu for the first week after half term.

Menu Week 2



Protecting Children from Explicit Content


It is easy for any person, any age, to stumble across inappropriate and explicit content online and for parents this can be challenging. Internet Matters have a range of resources available to help parents including:


  • Tips and tools for website/content filtering.


  • What to do if your child sees explicit content.


  • Resources for further help and support.


You can see all the sections HERE.


Additionally, with everything that is going on around the world at the moment it’s important that parents know how to minimise the negative impact of what their children may be seeing. The Mental Health Foundation have put some advice together which i think would be very useful. You can find this HERE.


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