Weekly Message 117 – 23 July 2021


23rd July 2021

Credit Averages for This Week

Year 7                  4.78

Year 8                  1.92

Year 9                  1.24

Year 10                1.83


So, there you go, we have concluded our Summer Term and the school year 2020/2021.

It has been the most incredible year of change and adaptation and there has most certainly been high points and low points but throughout the year, our pupils and staff have shown such patience and resilience and we now break up for a well-deserved summer holiday.

We would like to wish all our pupils, staff, parents, carers and our wider community a lovely summer break.

We look forward to welcoming pupils back to school in September as follows:


Monday 6 September 2021 – First day of term for Year 7 pupils only

Year 7 pupils should arrive at 0830 and they will be directed to the hard courts where they will be met by their tutors who will take them to their tutor bases.  Pupils will be able to come onto site using the main Shearwater Avenue entrance and the Pupil Entrance on the A27.


Pupils should wear Cams Hill School PE kit on this day as they will be taking part in the team building activities during the day.  We also ask that pupils bring a bottle of water, a hat and apply sunscreen in the event of warm, sunny weather.


Year 7 pupils will be issued with their timetables on Monday 6 September 2021.



**  Tuesday 7 September 2021 – First day of term for Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 pupils


Pupils will register with their Tutors on arrival with Tutor Time extending into Period 1. Pupils in 8, 9, 10 and 11 will need to wear full school uniform and will be issued with their timetables during morning registration.


Pupils in Year 7 will be able to wear PE kit if they have PE taking place according to their timetable.


** Please note that school closes to all pupils at 1420 every Tuesday (please see below).


Timing of the school day 2021/2022


Please see detailed below school arrival and departure times by year group.


Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday:

Year 7                  0830 – 1500

Year 8                 0830 – 1500

Year 9                 0840 – 1505

Year 10                0840 – 1505

Year 11                0850 – 1515



Year 7                  0830 – 1420

Year 8                 0830 – 1420

Year 9                 0840 – 1420

Year 10                0840 – 1420

Year 11                0850 – 1420


Art Department – Trip to West Witterings


During their trip to West Witterings a couple of weeks ago, Year 8 pupils were invited to create a piece of land art, in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. They made use of the resources available to them such as pebbles, seaweed and sticks. We had an array of creations ranging from three-dimensional structures to simple drawings in the sand. Photographs were then displayed for pupils in the year group to vote for their favourite.


We were so impressed with pupils’ work and have shared the results of the vote with pupils. Here are some photographs of the pupils amazing work below.



Events at Cams Hill School


Cams Hill School will be hosting two must-visit events this Summer. If you are interested in art work produced by local artists, then look no further than your own school!


The school will be hosting a brand-new event ‘The Arts and Craft Fair at Cams Hill’, which will take place on the 21 and 22 August 2021 from 10am-4pm each day. This fair will showcase a variety of works by local Artisans. For more information, please visit www.theartandcraftfairatcams.com


Then the school will host the 7th Southern Nature Art Exhibition on 27 – 30 August 2021. Open from 10am until 5pm daily, the exhibition will focus on Nature, including Wildlife, Wildflowers, Seascape and Landscapes, in a variety of styles and mediums – Sculpture, Photography, Textiles and Ceramic based art. For more information, please visit www.southernnatureart.com


Entry to both exhibitions and parking is free of charge, and there will be a tearoom to sit and relax in with refreshments for you to enjoy.


Do you have any nature-related art pieces that you would like to display?


We have a special student rate on offer, for exhibiting at the Southern Nature Art Exhibition. If this is of interest, please send us an email (southernnatureartexhibition@gmail.com) and we will send you further details about the discount and how to apply.


If either you or your family fancy trying out some new art skills, or improving what you already know workshops are available from 25-28 August e.g. Kids Art, Airbrushing, Photography, Calligraphy, Mosaic. For more information and to book a place, take a look at the Southern Nature Art website www.southernnatureart.com.


Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SNartexhibition

Follow us on Instagram: @southernnatureartexhibition or Twitter: @SNArtExhibition

Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/southern-nature-art-exhibition/



Skoolkit are holding a discount week for Year 6 parents/carers only.  Below are links to details about the discount week and Skoolkit’s price list.

Skoolkit discount week 24 July 210624

Skoolkit price list 210624




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